
Support the Dyer Island Conservation Trust

Online payments from anywhere in the world are processed either in ZAR by PayFast, or in US$ by PayPal. For the convenience of web users wishing to donate from other countries, a currency converter is provided as a guide. The currency converter is a tool and we take no responsibility for its accuracy. If in doubt, you are advised to check current exchange rates with your bank.

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Make a donation to our cause, this will support our ongoing efforts to:

  • respond to stranded marine animals,
  • respond to whale, dolphin, seal & turtle entanglements
  • conduct necropsies on stranded whales, dolphins & sharks
  • continue our cetacean research and observation activities

Online payments from anywhere in the world are processed either in ZAR by PayFast, or in US$ by PayPal. For the convenience of web users wishing to donate from other countries, a currency converter is provided as a guide. The currency converter is a tool and we take no responsibility for its accuracy. If in doubt, you are advised to check current exchange rates with your bank.

Click to select your currency


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Donation Total: R200.00