Our marine biologists and guides collect observational data about all whales & dolphins spotted whilst onboard the vessels of our partner company, Dyer Island Cruises. All sightings are mapped and this creates a knowledge foundation that is used for various studies. On each trip, we take readings of water temperature, pressure and oxygen levels.

The collection of this observational & environmental data is critical to the understanding of the cetaceans frequenting our area and the studies of various biologists.


IUCN Classification – LEAST CONCERN


Southern right Whale

They frequent our area between June to November / December and are here to mate and calve. The DICT collect whale faeces for a study on feeding habits – the whales do not generally feed when here but some feeding behaviour is observed. We have supported genetic studies and collect non-invasive samples when required. Where possible we participate in acoustic research. We work co-operatively on projects with the Mammal Research Institute Whale Unit situated at the University of Pretoria and we support their annual whale aerial survey


Humpback Whale

This species migrates along our coastline throughout June to August, heading toward warner waters off Mozambique. They head back again usually around December. All sightings are logged.

IUCN Classification – LEAST CONCERN

IUCN Classification – LEAST CONCERN


Bryde’s Whale

The area has a year round population and all sightings are mapped. There are very few studies done on Bryde’s whale along the SA coastline. Those done have included population studies and genetics. The DICT is part of the on-going project to collect images of Bryde’s whales frequenting our area. These images are recorded in a national database and will contribute to provide more information about this species that are threatened by overfishing.


IUCN Classification – LEAST CONCERN