June 06, 2010 by dyertrust
Marine mammal research in southern Africa is experiencing an exciting renaissance. There has been a striking increase in the number of research groups, students and projects starting up in the region in the last few years. Collaboration is a key factor in most modern research, allowing small teams with small budgets to generate large findings. In order to facilitate the establishment of collaborations, sharing of ideas and enthusiasm, and avoid the duplication of effort, the Mammal Research Institute (MRI) of the University of Pretoria decided to establish the African Marine Mammal Colloquium (AMMC).
The AMMC is the first meeting of its kind and will be held at the Great White House in Kleinbaai, Western Cape, 18-21 May. Co-hosted by the MRI and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust, the AMMC will provide an opportunity for collaboration, sharing ideas and enthusiasm between University and Government scientists, students, conservationists and tourism operators working in southern Africa.
The aim of the AMMC is for all participants to learn about other projects in the region, creating opportunities for networking and communication and building collaborations between people and organisations. Participants are coming from as far afield as Tanzania and Mauritius, but with South African researchers representing approximately half the numbers.
For further information please contact the Registrar: marinemammalogy.southernafrica@gmail.com