Taurus Cape Kelp donates to DEEP

Taurus Cape Kelp is committed to helping the local community, through job creation as well as financial support of several local schools and initiatives. It was with this in mind that Taurus donated R10 000 to the Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s Environmental Education Programme (known as DEEP). Led by Trust educator Pinkey Ngewu, the programme is focused on learners in Masakhane, with [...]

Marine Month Competition Winners 2019

In its fourth year, the Marine Month competition run by the Dyer Island Conservation Trust with eco-tourism partners Marine Dynamics & Dyer Island Cruises, and with the support of conservation partners, the Overstrand Municipality, Birdlife Overberg and the Department of Environmental Affairs, Fisheries and Forestry (DEFF), reached 28 schools in the Overstrand area. This campaign, held every October, aims to raise [...]

Marine Evening: Clean Marine

Clean Marine October’s marine evening was a colourful mixture of different topics and speakers. Brenda du Toit, of the Dyer Island Conservation Trust, provided insight about how marine debris occurs and its consequences such as entanglement or death of marine life found in the area. Brenda emphasised that it is up to everyone to make a difference. In the course of [...]

Southern African Shark and Ray Symposium 2019

SA Shark & Ray Symposium The DICT, Shark biologists Alison Towner, Ralph Watson, and Toby Rogers attended the Southern African Shark and Ray Symposium hosted by the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town 7-10th October. Alison presented one of her PhD chapters on the ecological changes post-Orca predation of white sharks in Gansbaai. This was the fifth symposium Alison has attended. The [...]

10 Years of Environmental Education at the Hermanus Whale Festival

The eco tent at the Hermanus Whale Festival was a real winner this year with many interested visitors. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust/Marine Dynamics team was there, for their tenth year, and had excellent engagement with children and adults alike. “The displays encourage children to understand our marine species and how scientists study them. As such, we had some shark fin [...]

October 3rd, 2019|DICT|

DICT Reports & Scientific Publications

REPORTS Dyer Island Conservation Trust Decade of Achievement Report. DICT 2017 - 2019 Report   SHARKS Queiroz, N., Humphries, N.E., Couto, A., Vedor, M., da Costa, I., Sequeira, A.M.M., Mucientes, G., Santos, A.M., Abascal, F.J., Abercrombie, D.L., Abrantes, K., Acuña-Marrero, D., Afonso, A.S., Afonso, P., Anders, D., Araujo, G., Arauz, R., Bach, P., Barnett, A., Bernal, D., Berumen, M.L., Bessudo Lion, [...]

September 21st, 2019|DICT|

International Coastal Clean-up Day 21 September 2019

  International Coastal Clean Up Day is a global movement started over 30 years ago by the Ocean Conservancy with communities rallying together with the common goal of collecting and documenting the trash littering the coastline. This year's theme is: Harnessing the Power of People to Fight Ocean Trash. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT) and the Overstrand Municipality arranged a clean-up at Danger Point. Each area [...]

September 21st, 2019|DICT|


  August 24, 2019 Dyer Island Conservation Trust In what was one of the best-attended marine evenings, with local and international guests, speaker and marine biologist Miranda van der Linde, blew everyone away with her talk on the Social Network of Sperm Whales. Miranda has been studying sperm whales in the Azores archipelago for 9 years and is a guest guide [...]

August 25th, 2019|DICT|


August 20, 2019 Dyer Island Conservation Trust The Dyer Island Conservation Trust joined John Kieser from Plastics ǀ SA on his trip to hand out materials required for the International Coastal Clean Up. International Coastal Clean Up Day is on the 21st September and various organisations around the world participate. This is in fact John’s 25th clean up that he has [...]