

COLLECTION OF SEAL SCAT ON GEYSER ROCK December 31, 2008 by dyertrust On the 31st October 2008, Steve Kirkman (of Marine and Coastal Management) and Wilfred Chivell (founder of DICT) visited Geyser Rock to collect seal scat samples for an ongoing diet monitoring study. Collecting the scats found on the surface of the colony is preferable to shooting seals or immobilizing [...]

August 14th, 2011|Uncategorized|

A busy July for Alison Towner and the Great white sharks

A busy July for Alison Towner and the Great white sharksJuly 26, 2011 by dyertrustJuly 2011Studying great white sharks for the last five years in Gansbaai, I have often found myself out at sea wondering just what the sharks are up to on the other side of the headland- in False Bay. I have often imagined the same sharks I am [...]

July 26th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Lauren Waller will graduate with a PhD on 16 December

Lauren Waller will graduate with a PhD on 16 DecemberJuly 04, 2011 by dyertrustThe Dyer Island Conservation Trust is pleased to announce thatLauren Wallerwill formally graduate at the end of year graduation ceremony, on 16 December at 10h00. The Trust helped support Laurens studies and continues to support further studies on the endangered African penguins of Dyer Island.Text below courtesy of [...]

July 4th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Marine volunteers assist with World Oceans Day

Marine volunteers assist with World Oceans DayJune 29, 2011 by dyertrustWorld Oceans Day saw the volunteers assisting the Dyer Island ConservationTrust with children from Masakhane School.A few no sea days due to bad weather meant a chance to catch up on lectures and a few excursions which included visiting Cape Agulhas, wine and beer tasting and all round good fun.Then a [...]

June 29th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Winter sharks return to the bay

Winter sharks return to the bayJune 27, 2011 by dyertrustWeve been saying for a while now that the winter white sharks have returned to the bay,but its been nothing like ever before. Four days in succession we have seen at least 20 sharks and the average has been around 12-15 individuals per trip, some days its been almost impossible to count! [...]

June 27th, 2011|Uncategorized|


WORLD OCEANS DAY EDUCATIONAL LESSONJune 08, 2011 by dyertrustOn World Oceans Day, 8 June,people from all over the globe honour this incredible resource. The theme is Youth-The Next Wave for Change. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust took the opportunity to have an educational lesson on our Marine Big 5 with the Football Foundations Group from Masakhane School. This was the second [...]

June 8th, 2011|Uncategorized|


BEACH CLEAN UPSJune 07, 2011 by dyertrustThe Dyer Island Conservation Trust recently led two beach clean ups, both. The first was as part of the Football Foundations educational programme with scholars from Masakhane. Together with Wilfred Chivell, the team eagerly cleaned up a stretch from the Strandveld Museum in Franskraal. This area yielded a full bag of fishing line in under [...]

June 7th, 2011|Uncategorized|


HELP US SAVE THE GREAT WHITE SHARKSJune 05, 2011 by dyertrustNew research to unravel mysteries Great White Shark begins as population falls to historic lowAs numbers of Great White Sharks reach an all-time low, theDyer Island Conservation Trusthas begun pioneering research to answer vitally important questions about this mysterious apex predator. This work is urgent as theGreat White Sharkis already classified [...]

June 5th, 2011|Uncategorized|

6th Shark tagged!

6th Shark tagged!June 01, 2011 by dyertrustThanks to the generous donations from our clients, we have been able to acoustically tag a 6th shark. The shark, now named Dale, is a 3.5m male that has shed even more new light on the mysteries surrounding the movement patterns of white sharks whilst utilising the Dyer Island system. Our previously tagged shark Zane [...]

June 1st, 2011|Uncategorized|