
Surfpro Natasha, rides the waves of change!

The Dyer Island Conservation Trust was very fortunate to receive a call from South African surfer,  Natasha van Greunen, to film at our African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary, as part of her Shining Light Series. We invited her to also be our speaker at the monthly Marine Evenings at the Great White House Restaurant. Natasha shared her passion for ocean conservation [...]

DEEP Explores the Wonders of Rock Pools

Exploring rocky shores and rock pools sounds like a fascinating adventure, even on a misty day! It's incredible how such seemingly ordinary places can harbor such a diverse array of life forms and serve as excellent educational tools. DEEP embarked on an exciting journey to explore the hidden treasures of rock pools and unravel the mysteries of their unique adaptations. From [...]

Exploring the Speed of Light: A Journey into the Cosmos

Have you ever stopped to marvel at the speed of light? For our March Marine Evening, Guest Speaker, Kos Coronaios, an esteemed amateur astronomer, Founder of the Southern Cape Astronomy Club and member of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA), the audience was taken on an enlightening journey through the wonders of light and its remarkable properties. Coronaios, drawing on [...]

Nature Camps Teach Children Environmental Conservation

We arrived at our destination, Potberg, which is part of the Greater De Hoop Nature Reserve Complex in the Overberg region. The camp far exceeded the kids' expectations, looking truly amazing. We were warmly greeted by the friendly staff of CapeNature. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust has long been involved with local school groups. In 2016, the Dyer Island Conservation Trust [...]

Global Recycling Day 2024

There is no doubt recycling is on the front line in the war to save the future of our planet and humanity. The theme of Global Recycling Day 2024 is #RecyclingHeroes. This day will recognise the people, places and activities that showcase what an important role recycling plays in contributing to an environmentally stable planet and a greener future which will benefit [...]

Our white sharks need your help!

Marine Dynamics and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust support the findings in the below, recently published, paper. As an ecotourism operator working in the Gansbaai area for more than 20 years, we acknowledge that there is much more to the decline in white shark numbers than previously suggested by marine biologists. The KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board’s “lethal shark control program” as well [...]

Celebrating International Women’s Day.

In celebration of International Women's Day today, we would like to tip our hats to Dr. Sylvia Earle. The Marine Dynamics and Dyer Island Conservation Team were fortunate to be invited to the 'Hope Spot Workshop & Celebration' earlier this month. Sylvia Earle and the Mission Blue expedition team established six Hope Spots along the coast of South Africa in partnership [...]

Walking in the shoes of the Planetwalker.

Sunk deeply in a chair at Amazing Grace Guesthouse in De Kelders, I met the 77-year-old United Nations Environment Program’s Goodwill Ambassador, as well as National Geographic Society’s first Education Fellow, Dr. John Francis. It’s the 23rd of January, a scorching hot and windy day in the Overstrand, and Dr. Francis has just walked 22 kilometers from Stanford Hills to De [...]

World Environmental Education Day

World Environmental Education Day, which falls on January 26, is observed all over the world in the hopes of improving the relationship between our fellow humans and nature itself. It seeks to identify and find solutions to certain environmental issues, both globally and locally. It’s beneficial to us human beings to protect the environment because this entails our survival and well-being. We [...]

Spending time with our special European visitors.

From the month of August, there is a special group of European visitors in Gansbaai in the Overstrand. These lightweight travelers weigh only about 28 grams, and they have no problem covering the 11,500 kilometers to the South African coast within a month. Hydrobates pelagicus, the European storm petrel, bears a name that literally means 'water little walker on the open [...]