September 13, 2009 by dyertrust
DICT was invited to attend the Fynbos Forumworkshop, held in Gansbaai.
This was heldon 25th March 2009, themed Our Marine Environment. Talks presented included Mysteries of the Great Whites, Life between tides and Gansbaai pelagic fish industry. At the previous workshop in October 2008, Wilfred Chivell (founder of DICT) presented a talk concerning the plight of the African penguins on Dyer Island, and the actions the Trust is taking to help prevent any further population declines in this already vulnerable species (Faces of Neednesting project). The FEF committee unanimously decided to sponsor a penguin nest and several of the committee members privately sponsored nests as well. A member of DICT was present at the workshop to present a certificate of sponsorship to the committee. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust would again like to thank all the members that so generously contributed to this worthy cause.