Taurus Cape Kelp is committed to helping the local community, through job creation as well as financial support of several local schools and initiatives. It was with this in mind that Taurus donated R10 000 to the Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s Environmental Education Programme (known as DEEP).

Led by Trust educator Pinkey Ngewu, the programme is focused on learners in Masakhane, with engaging lessons inspiring learners to protect our unique marine eco-system for future generations. A core group of 13 dedicated “Blue Ambassadors” are selected every year and are exposed to various marine lessons and life skills that encourage them to achieve at school and motivate them to make career choices in the marine, scientific and conservation fields. The programme has been extremely successful due to the three years which enables effective monitoring of the impact on the individual, as well as the impact on Masakhane School, and the spin-off into the community.

Taurus Cape Kelp sustainably harvests seaweed for commercial use. While collecting kelp, the Taurus staff always keep an eye out for any stranded African penguins and seabirds. They report sightings immediately to the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary, a DICT project.