At this year’s Trashion Show in Gansbaai, much of this trash came to new life in the hands of creative eco-conscious Dyer Island Conservation Trust Environmental Education Programme known as DEEP. These DEEP Blue Ambassadors intent on standing out on the ramp. In its sixth year, the show has grown in size and popularity. Before the show, children were seen gathering garbage from beach clean-up, diving into recycling bins and picking up litter. These youngsters are passionate about protecting their environment, understand that there is no such place as ‘away’. The trip to the ocean and into a penguin or turtle’s stomach starts right outside your home. On the morning of the show, bubble wrap, papers, gloves, plastic bags burst out of kids schoolbags that had trundled all the way from every street corner of Masakhane bearing excited trashionistas. The school principal, welcomed the trashionistas with a great talk on pollution.
One man’s trash is another Tran’s treasure!
The environmental aim of trashion is to call attention to the polluting outcome of waste.The creativity of the kids blows me away every year. When you combine huge doses of enthusiasm, determination and dedicated teachers,
parents and mentors from mostly rural schools with limited resources – you get magic.” The overwhelming message is to reuse, recycle and do it in style. The show also encourages learners to explore their design skills, express their creativity and shine. The kids were judged on:
Originality: Innovative use of recycled materials.
Sustainability: Percentage of recycled/repurposed/reused materials in the garment.
Technical aspects: Construction of garment.Confidence : Answers questions correctly with confidence.
The event was attended by the manager of the Gansbaai Tourism, members of public and community. We would like to thank all our donors for their support towards DEEP.