Enriching Young Minds

Enriching Young Minds August 05, 2015 by dyertrust As part of our environmental education programme, the Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT) and Each child made a plastic promise, which they signed, mentioning various ways in which they will help the environment, like taking a material or plastic bag to the shop instead of buying one, picking up plastic on the road, [...]

APSS Groundbreaking Ceremony August 2014

APSS Groundbreaking Ceremony August 2014 August 21, 2014 by dyertrust On the 19th of August a group of high level individuals passionate about conservation, gathered at the Birkenhead Lodge grounds at Gansbaai in the Western Cape, to launch a significant partnership aimed at providing a sanctuary for the endangered African Penguin and Seabirds. The African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) will [...]

Hermanus whale festival 2012

Hermanus whale festival 2012 October 08, 2012 by dyertrust Thisis the third whale festival that the Dyer Island Conservation Trust has participated in. The tent space dedicated to the environmental aspect of the festival was greatly increased meaning more conservation organisations could be involved. Under the organisation of Kim Mclean, we exhibited alongside Sanccob, Shark Conservancy, AOCA and many others. We [...]