Dyer Island Conservation Trust


GREAT WHITE SHARKS�?? AMBUSH HUNTERS OR NOT? January 21, 2016 by dyertrust Sex specific and individual preferences for hunting strategy in white sharks. A recent paper published in Functional Ecology challenges the often-assumed hunting strategy of great white sharks as ambush predators. This is the first white shark research paper to be published in the esteemed British journal. The work took [...]

Marine Evening – Two Oceans Aquarium: Returning the Raggies

Marine Evening - Two Oceans Aquarium: Returning the Raggies July 26, 2016 Brenda du Toit Who hasn’t marvelled at the beautiful ragged tooth sharks cruising around the display at the Two Oceans Aquarium? Thousands of children are enthralled by them – and probably the first shark they have ever seen up close. Deen Hill from the Two Oceans Aquarium was the most [...]

Shark Conservation Society honorary membership

Shark Conservation Society honorary membership February 18, 2013 by dyertrust Wilfred Chivell awarded honorary lifetime membership to the Shark Conservation Society! From the Shark Conservation Society press release: The board of the Society is delighted to announce that Wilfred Chivell has accepted Honorary Life Membership (HLM) of SCS. Wilfred is a committed "action type" conservationist who founded the Dyer Island Conservation [...]

International Coastal Cleanup 2014

International Coastal Cleanup 2014 September 21, 2014 by dyertrust Every year, on the 20/21st September, the world comes together to tackle one of the biggest threats our ocean faces every single day pollution. Worldwide thousands of kilograms of Plastics, Monofilament Fishing line, and a magnitude of other pollutants wash out on our beaches - every single day. This takes its toll [...]

Sulle tracce del Grande Squalo Bianco

Sulle tracce del Grande Squalo Bianco May 29, 2014 by dyertrust Il 2014 ha segnato l'undicesimo anno del Dr. Primo Micarelli per tornare a Kleinbaai in Sud Africa e per continuare i suoi studi sul comportamento e la biologia dei grandi squali bianchi. Il Dr. Micarelliil Coordinatore e Responsabile Scientifico della spedizione scientifica italiana denominata "Sulle tracce del Grande Squalo Bianco [...]

Critically Endangered Turtle saved!!!!

Critically Endangered Turtle saved!!!! September 12, 2014 by dyertrust On Thursday, 10th September 2014, Mr. Jacques Viviers who is a commercial fisherman in Gansbaai contacted the Dyer Island Conservation Trust about a sea turtle which was floating the Gansbaai harbor, amongst the trawlers. On arrival, our rescuers Pieter, Kira and Star were shown a medium sized turtle floating close to one [...]

Southern African Shark and Ray Symposium

Blog DICT: By Alison Towner The third southern African Shark and Ray Symposium, hosted by Shark Spotters and the Save Our Seas Foundation, took place from the 6th-9th of September at the Blue Horizon estate in Simons Town. A record 114 delegates attended to discuss the latest research findings on cartilaginous fish species along the southern African coastline. Marine Dynamics biologist [...]

International Researchers Visit the DICT with Nat Geo

International Researchers Visit the DICT with Nat Geo September 11, 2013 by dyertrust National Geographic and Researchers from Stanford University visits the DICT to film a new documentary and conduct research into the behavior of Great White Sharks. The first few weeks in August 2013 the Dyer Island Conservation Trust hosted Adrian Gleiss and Taylor Chapple from the Stanford University as [...]