
Smooth Sailing Success for OCEARCH in Gansbaai

Winter sharks return to the bayJune 27, 2011 by dyertrustWeve been saying for a while now that the winter white sharks have returned to the bay,but its been nothing like ever before. Four days in succession we have seen at least 20 sharks and the average has been around 12-15 individuals per trip, some days its been almost impossible to count! [...]

April 16th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Lauren Waller will graduate with a PhD on 16 December

Lauren Waller will graduate with a PhD on 16 December July 04, 2011 by dyertrust The Dyer Island Conservation Trust is pleased to announce thatLauren Wallerwill formally graduate at the end of year graduation ceremony, on 16 December at 10h00. The Trust helped support Laurens studies and continues to support further studies on the endangered African penguins of Dyer Island. Text [...]

April 10th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Great White Shark legend returns

Effects of Smart Position Only (SPOT) Tag Deployment on White SharksNovember 16, 2011 by dyertrust The Trust is very excited about the latest scientific publication from our research team. Entitled Effects of Smart Position Only (SPOT) Tag Deployment on White Sharks Carcharodon carcharias in South Africa, the article on SPOT tags on white sharks has gone to press and can be downloaded [...]

February 27th, 2012|Uncategorized|


ROGUE HELICOPTER CAUSES HAVOC TO MARINE LIFE AT MERCURY ISLAND April 29, 2010 by dyertrust A blue, foreign-registered helicopter bearing the identification 5YBXE attempted to land on Mercury Island last Thursday (22 April 2010) along the southern coast of Namibia, and in the process destroyed hundreds of nests of our most endangered seabirds. Following this manoeuvre, the helicopter landed on the [...]

February 6th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Exciting Donations for Shark Research

BIRDLIFE OVERBERG RAISES R10000 FOR THE SHARK RESEARCH December 09, 2010 by dyertrust The past year has seen Anton Odendaal ofSaturday 11th December 2010 marked the first annual Bronzie Competition, with theDespite this the day was a success with 11 sharks caught and 2 sharks tagged by team I, including one of the largest sharks caught on the day - a [...]

January 27th, 2012|Uncategorized|


SHARK ATTACK - FISH HOEK 12 JANUARY 2010 January 12, 2010 by dyertrust Our sympathy is extended to the friends and family of Mr Lloyd Skinner, a 37 year old Zimbabwean man, who died tragically in a shark attack on the 12th January 2010 at Fish Hoek beach. At this time of the year, the increase of swimmers is matched by [...]

January 25th, 2012|Uncategorized|


TREASURE OIL SLICK February 03, 2010 by dyertrust The recently reported 300m oil slick (Cape Argus 16.01.10 & Cape Times 17.01.10) assumed to come from the iron ore carrier, the Treasure, which sunk ten years ago off the West Coast, is great cause for concern. Even though it was subsequently reported that the slick had broken up, the oil still remains [...]

January 15th, 2012|Uncategorized|

The Trust supports rescue and rehabilitation centre Penguins Eastern Cape

MORE THAN 150 AFRICAN PENGUIN CHICKS RESCUED FROM DYER ISLANDDecember 08, 2010 by dyertrustAn emergency operation to rescue 156 African Penguin chicks from Dyer Island, South Africa, has been successfully co-coordinated byOnce again, our team was called into action on the 23rdDecember 2010, to attend a strandingthis time for a particularly unique animal. Was it a whale? Was it a shark? [...]

January 9th, 2012|Uncategorized|


DICT SUPPORTS THE COMMUNITY February 08, 2010 by dyertrust A JOINT PROJECT OF DYER ISLAND CONSERVATION TRUST AND Gansbaai finally has a high school. The new Gansbaai Secondary School opened in January. It was opened as a no fee school to benefit the local community, and although a low fee has been implemented to cover some running costs, this still leaves [...]

January 6th, 2012|Uncategorized|


NATIONAL COASTAL CLEAN-UP WEEK CELEBRATED LOCALLY December 18, 2008 by dyertrust The week of 15-19 September, National Coastal Clean-up Week, was celebrated in style, with big yellow garbage bags and matching rubber gloves, by the Dyer Island Conservation Trust and Mr Dreyer's Grade 6 Class from Blompark Primary. The 34 students of the class were eager participants in performing a local [...]

December 17th, 2011|Uncategorized|