September 26, 2010 by dyertrust
This August the Dyer Island Conservation Trust has rescued eight oiled penguins. It is not always possible to identify the source of the oilit could be from old wrecks still seeping oil or more likely an illegal dumping. Another three penguins have been taken in with shark bite injuries.
The Trust serves as the animal rescue centre in the area and works in close partnership with SANCCOBthe centre for coastal bird rehabilitation in Cape Town; Two Oceans Aquarium; and Penguins Eastern Cape.
The Trust is grateful for all donations toward the African Penguin nesting project which also contributes to rescues and research.
Endangered status
The African Penguin has been moved to the Endangered list since May through its rapid declinea decline of almost 100 birds a week over the last 30 years. There are now fewer than 26,000 breeding pairs of African Penguins on the islands and coastal colonies around the coast of Southern Africa.