6th Shark tagged!

June 01, 2011 by dyertrust

Thanks to the generous donations from our clients, we have been able to acoustically tag a 6th shark. The shark, now named Dale, is a 3.5m male that has shed even more new light on the mysteries surrounding the movement patterns of white sharks whilst utilising the Dyer Island system. Our previously tagged shark Zane (see previous blog) displayed some fascinating behaviour whilst patrolling shark alley, offshore of Geyser Rock and some previously unknown sites. Weve now got over 70 hrs of his movements recorded including some very interesting night time tracks. We are very excited to see if Dale displays different behaviour to Zane over the course of his stay at the island or if he chooses to patrol different sites.

Shark of the month

Shark action has continued to leave us breathless again this month. Many large sharks have been sighted and trips seem to be getting better and better as we head towards peak winter.

Its a tough call this month, several old favourites have returned to the bay, Woundy turned up on one trip for her first sighting in almost 2 years looking much larger than she did last time we saw her. Rudi and Chopper are also still around and we also caught a glimpse of Sarika, the shark we first tagged back in September last year. But this month weve decided on Betty as our shark of the month, sighted 2007, 2008, 2009 and now in 2011 shes grown a lot bigger and is now at an impressive size of 4m. Easy to spot by a scar on her face, a spot on the base of her dorsal fin and a half moon shape to the back of the upper caudal. She was first sighted at the very end of April and whenever shes been sighted since its always an indication were going to have a great trip.