June 05, 2011 by dyertrust

New research to unravel mysteries Great White Shark begins as population falls to historic lowAs numbers of Great White Sharks reach an all-time low, theDyer Island Conservation Trusthas begun pioneering research to answer vitally important questions about this mysterious apex predator. This work is urgent as theGreat White Sharkis already classified as “vulnerable” to extinction with numbers falling by about 20% every three generations.

Here at Gansbaai, Western Cape – The Great White Shark Capital of the World – our residentmarine biologistshave unique opportunities to conduct some of the world-class research needed to rapidly respond to the crisis. Supported by our partnerMarine Dynamics, this work has already begun in co-operation with South African universities. But funding and sponsorship are urgently needed to allow the studies to continue and expand.

To learn more about the serious problems facing the Great White Shark and our research visiondownload our new brochureand viewa videowith marine biologist, Alison Towner.

This programme also offers exciting opportunities for fee-payingvolunteers, gap-year students and research