
World Oceans Day 2021

World Oceans Day on June 8 is the United Nations Day for celebrating the role of the oceans in our everyday life and inspiring action to protect the ocean and sustainable use of marine resources. World Ocean’s Day creates a great opportunity for the Dyer Island Conservation Trust to raise awareness of the importance of our ocean and the vital role oceans play [...]

Storm Water Net And Stencils In Hawston On World Environmental Day 5 June2021

The Overstrand Municipality is working in partnership with Marine Dynamics and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust to minimise waste from reaching the ocean through implementing storm drain catchment nets. Inspired by a project in Australia, Wilfred Chivell of Marine Dynamics Tours and founder of the Dyer Island Conservation Trust, realised the need for a net system over the storm water drain [...]

Record size female tagged in Gansbaai!

© Alison Towner, Dyer Island Conservation Trust/Marine Dynamics After hearing the news of a 5m female white shark at Marine Dynamics shark cage diving vessel in the Kleinbaai area, I grabbed the tagging kit and we set out to sea to take over the anchor position on the Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s research boat. While preparing the acoustic tag I looked [...]

The 6th Southern African Shark & Ray Symposium

The Dyer Island Conservation Trust, in partnership with Marine Dynamics, is proud, and excited, to be hosting the 2021 6th Southern African Shark & Ray Symposium from 17-19 November. The theme of the symposium for 2021 is “Catalyst for Change: Post-pandemic research on Southern African Chondrichthyans.” As we emerge from the pandemic the 6th SASRS will offer the chance for the [...]

False Killer Whale stranding in Pearly Beach

On Friday the Dyer Island Conservation Trust received a call of a whale stranding in Pearly Beach. They quickly dispatched marine biologist Ralph Watson with two interns from the Marine Dynamics Academy to investigate the deceased animal. Once on site they joined African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary’s Senior Bird Rehabilitator Xolani Lawo who was already on site. While in contact with the Whale [...]

National Lotteries Commission supports the Dyer Island Conservation Trust

The Dyer Island Conservation Trust in Gansbaai is grateful to receive a grant through the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) of R757 000 (Seven hundred and fifty seven thousand rand). “The Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT) extends our deepest gratitude to the National Lotteries Commission for awarding the Trust a grant for 2021. In these challenging times when many of our financial models [...]

National Water Week and World Water Day 2021

The National Water Week campaign is aimed at raising awareness around the need to protect and conserve the country's water resources and our collective responsibility towards water conservation initiatives.  The campaign is celebrated from 15 to 22 March, against the backdrop of the World Water Day on 22 March. The theme for 2021 is “Valuing water” and aims to understand how people value water whether it is [...]

DEEP New Intake 2021

The Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s Environmental Education Programme, known as DEEP, has been running in partnership with Masakhane Primary School for the past five years. Every year we accept 13 learners from Grade 5 who sign up to be committed to the programme for three years until Grade 7, so at this point the Trust runs three different groups throughout each [...]

Eavesdropping on endangered humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) in Kleinbaai, South Africa.

~ This is a joint blog post between SeaSearch and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust With less than 500 individuals estimated to be left in South Africa, team members from The SWORD Project (Signature Whistle Occurrence, Recapture and Density) of SeaSearch visited Kleinbaai to work with the Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT) to test new acoustic equipment and record humpback dolphin [...]

6th Birthday celebration – a waddle back in time

It is our birthday, like all six year olds we would be delighted to receive some gifts. Waddle back through time with us to understand why every penguin counts Don’t follow your dreams, chase them The project started on the pages of the little black notebook bearing the dreams of Wilfred Chivell, the founder of the Dyer Island Conservation Trust. It [...]

February 26th, 2021|APSS|