67 Minutes for Mandela Day

July 18, 2017 67 Minutes for Mandela Day

The Marine Dynamics team thinks 67 minutes for Madiba is too short a time to do all the good that needs to be done and so makes it our way of life. When Madiba day comes along, we believe in keeping it local and where best to start than with our DEEP group. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust Environmental Education programme consists of 24 students with some in their second year and others that started their three year programme this year. We thought we would spread the love and organise some food parcels for their families. We approached SPAR Gansbaai who came on board also donating some shopper bags to use. SPAR has been one of the leading companies promoting the Rethink the Bag campaign in South Africa and as manager of the Gansbaai SPAR said, “This is an awesome opportunity to highlight this campaign encouraging people to discontinue using plastic shopping bags.” The Rethink the Bag campaign was started by Two Oceans Aquarium and is encouraging consumer behaviour change. The Trust’s educator, Pinkey Ngewu, and other members of the team headed out on Tuesday to brighten everyone’s day.