Dyer Island Conservation Trust

Posing for Penguins

Posing for Penguins August 09, 2017 Brenda du Toit There was preening and fluffing of feathers, not at the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS), but for the ten winners of the Pose for Penguins makeover. This fundraising initiative for APSS was the brainchild of Nicolene Richards and Karin Franken and in just a couple of weeks raised an incredible R10 200 [...]

Shark Awareness Day 2017

Shark Awareness Day 2017 July 14, 2017 Brenda du Toit The main purpose of the annual Shark Awareness Day is exactly that – creating awareness of sharks as a critical part of our oceans.  Sharks are a large group of fish that have inhabited the oceans for over 400 million years. There are over 500 species of sharks in the ocean [...]

67 Minutes for Mandela Day

67 Minutes for Mandela Day July 18, 2017 67 Minutes for Mandela Day The Marine Dynamics team thinks 67 minutes for Madiba is too short a time to do all the good that needs to be done and so makes it our way of life. When Madiba day comes along, we believe in keeping it local and where best to start [...]

Sperm Whale Washes Up In Gansbaai

Sperm Whale Washes Up In Gansbaai July 03, 2017 Brenda du Toit A sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) recently washed up in the Pearly Beach area of Gansbaai. As a deep water whale found in most of the world's ocean, they are not often seen close to shore so this carcass provides a rare opportunity for scientific sampling which is what the [...]

DICT Environmental Programme June Rundown

DICT Environmental Programme June Rundown June 30, 2017 Dyer Island Conservation Trust June was an eventful month for the DEEP group. On the 8th we celebrated World Oceans Day and Youth day on the 16th of June. June 08 – World Oceans Day Our group were given a special presentation by Sandra Hoerbst who is a Marine Biologist and guide for [...]

International Great White Shark Research Team Work With Dyer Island Conservation Trust

International Great White Shark Research Team Work With Dyer Island Conservation Trust June 15, 2017 Brenda du Toit The Dyer Island Conservation Trust and Marine Dynamics team were recently joined by past Master’s students, Oliver and Michelle Jewell, to continue Oliver’s studies on great white sharks. Oliver is a PhD candidate affiliated with Murdoch University. Oliver is looking at the foraging [...]

Great White Shark vs Orca May 2017

Great White Shark vs Orca May 2017 June 08, 2017 Brenda du Toit May 2017 was an interesting yet trying time for the team of Marine Dynamics and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust who were called out to retrieve three deceased white sharks in a space of a few days – a female of 4,9m and two males at 3,6 and [...]

SouSA – Whale and Dolphin Research

SouSA - Whale and Dolphin Research June 05, 2017 Meredith Thornton As the winter chills set upon us in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate two important days this week - today is World Environment Day, which is all about getting outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and to be fully conscious of its importance; Thursday is World Oceans Day which [...]

PAAZA Conference 2017 – Conservation Award

PAAZA Conference 2017 - Conservation Award May 31, 2017 Brenda du Toit The Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT) was excited to receive the PAAZA Conservation Award dedicated to our founder, Wilfred Chivell. The Conservation Award is given to those individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to the conservation of African species diversity or ecosystems. DICT is a conservation partner [...]

Educational Manual for DEEP

Educational Manual for DEEP May 22, 2017 Dyer Island Conservation Trust Dyer Island Conservation Trust Invests in Local Community The Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s Environmental Education Programme known as DEEP works with dedicated groups of young learners from a disadvantaged background and runs for three years to monitor and evaluate the impact and growth of each and every individual learner. An [...]