February 28, 2018 Dyer Island Conservation Trust
Wilfred Chivell and Susan Visagie from Marine Dynamics recently travelled to the remote and rugged islands off the South of New Zealand. Driven by Wilfred’s quest to see all the penguin species of the world, he hoped to encounter the Snares, Erect Crested, Royal and Fiordland. The trip with Heritage Expeditions had some of the best weather experienced meaning they could access all islands even though they never saw the sun. Wilfred was able to tick off the four penguins on his bucket list and in fact saw ten species of penguin and 13 albatross, in all 109 bird species.
At the February marine evening at the Great White House with over 100 guests, Susan shared the outline of the journey and the experience of what it felt like being on such a trip while Wilfred shared more on the birds encountered. The islands visited included Snares, Auckland, Macquarie, Campbell, Antipodes, Bounty and Chatham. Seeing such remote and still pristine areas reminded all of the need to protect these unique habitats.
Great White House Chef, Chris Pead, made some interesting kelp tasters for the guests. Chris is foraging every Wednesday and the new delicacies will be available at the restaurant from Thursday to Sunday lunch.
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