The theodolite tracking is running like a well-oiled machine

October 31, 2012 by dyertrust

The theodolite tracking is running like a well-oiled machine and the team has seen sightings of humpback whales almost every week. These animals seem to have changed focus from migration to social behaviour. They spend much more time breaching and their pattern is not as predicable as the migrating humpback whales in July and August.

A new addition has permanently joined the tracking station at the water tower. A bright green snake has moved in on the rail!! The team put it there to prevent the local white necked crows from decorating the top of the tower and attracting countless tiny flies.

September was the month where the southern right whale mother-calf pairs moved into the bay while the mating groups decreased. Maria Johansen joined the team at the beginning of the month. She is here until the beginning of December conducting a small study of the interaction of the mother and calf pairs. We welcome Maria who is a dedicated biology student from the University of Copenhagen.