How to Track a Great White Shark – the DICT’s first mini-documentary

December 03, 2012 by dyertrust

Join the Dyer Island Conservation Trusts marine biologists as they explain the step by step process of manually tagging and tracking great white sharks. This video offers a unique insight into how great white shark tracking is performed in Gansbaai, while explaining its importance to the animals conservation. DICT marine biologist, Oliver Jewell, explains, White sharks are a threatened species we know very little about. This lack of knowledge is often filled by popular media articles often based on sensationalism that offer very little in educational content. By conducting our research and sharing our knowledge freely with the community, we hope to show people the truth about these animals, and in the case of tracking – where they go and why.

The DICT has been manually tracking the white sharks of Gansbaai since September 2010 and have tagged 11 individual white sharks. If you are interested in learning more about the DICTs tracking program, please click