SA Shark & Ray Symposium

The DICT, Shark biologists Alison Towner, Ralph Watson, and Toby Rogers attended the Southern African Shark and Ray Symposium hosted by the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town 7-10th October. Alison presented one of her PhD chapters on the ecological changes post-Orca predation of white sharks in Gansbaai. This was the fifth symposium Alison has attended.

Alison Towner presenting at Shark & Ray Symposium

The Southern African Shark & Ray Symposium (SASRS) is a biennial meeting of the academic community of Southern Africa who is currently conducting research on these taxa. The theme of the 2019 Symposium was: Elasmobranchs in the blue economy. The theme explored the fundamental link of shark and ray research and conservation alongside the sustainable use of the ocean’s resources that ensures the growth and improvement of livelihoods. Over 120 delegates attended discussing relevant topics in Southern Africa- from telemetry to fisheries, genetics to shark safety.