There is no doubt recycling is on the front line in the war to save the future of our planet and humanity. The theme of Global Recycling Day 2024 is #RecyclingHeroes.
This day will recognise the people, places and activities that showcase what an important role recycling plays in contributing to an environmentally stable planet and a greener future which will benefit all. Plastics are threatening the survival of our planet and ultimately our survival – they are polluting our oceans, beaches and waterways, poisoning and injuring our marine life, spilling over from our landfills and affecting our health.
Recycling is such a simple, yet effective way to make sure you are doing your bit for the environment both at home, school and at work.
For this Global Recycling Day, the Dyer Island Conservation Trust Environmental Education Programme known as DEEP raised awareness about Recycling through posts and a beach clean-up.
For the environment, recycling: Prevents pollution and reduces greenhouse gases by reducing the need to mine and process new raw materials. Reduction of Landfill Waste: Landfills are rapidly reaching capacity around the world, posing significant environmental risks. Recycling diverts waste from landfills, minimizing pollution, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions produced by decomposing organic matter. Recycling brings communities together and helps people raise money for schools, colleges, hospitals, and more. These recycling drives make towns and cities happier and cleaner.
What are the golden rules of recycling? Sort Your Materials by Stream, know what’s accepted in each stream, break down your cardboard
The 6 R’s of Recycling: Re-think; Refuse; Reduce; Reuse; Recycle and Repair/Repurpose.
Conclusion, Pinkey Ngewu says that, we all need to take action to make our world a better place and recycling is a key way to help. By getting your hands on making some amazing recycled or repurposed products, you’re helping the world to think resource not waste. Global Recycling Day underlines the importance of recycling and advancing sustainable practices for a greener future.
Action: Start by making small changes in your daily routine, such as using reusable bags and water bottles, reducing food waste, and properly disposing of hazardous materials. You can also participate in local recycling programs and volunteer for community clean-up events.

DEEP Blue Ambassador tackling marine litter at a local harbour

DEEP Blue Ambassadors waste no time, they say”Act now”

Poster by Asemahle Dorotile- Be smart and do your part #DoNotLitter